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Rejuvenate your skin with Intense Pulse Lighting, skin tag & vein removal.

Intense Pulse Lighting (IPL)

Targets red (broken blood vessels) and browns (sun damage) in the skin while also stimulating collagen production providing the skin with an overall healthier more rejuvenated appearance. 

What to expect: During treatment you can expect to feel a slight elastic band snap in the localized treatment area that dissipates in a few moments. Following your treatment your pigmentation may darken and take up to 7-10 days to flake off. Swelling and bruising may be a possible side effect lasting a few days post treatment. 

Laser Genesis

A non invasive laser heat treatment that targets fine lines, wrinkles, diffused redness, large pores, and scars.

What to expect: During treatment you will experience warming sensation, redness will occur in the treated area for several hours.

Excel Vascular Treatments

The clearance of vascular lesions on the face and body such as telangiectasia, broken capillaries, spider veins, cherry angiomas, venous and reticular veins.

What to expect: you may experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness for up to 2 weeks following the treatment.

Laser Hair Removal

A light based technology to penetrate the hair shaft to destroy the bulb. The laser targets melanin or pigment so this treatment is not advisable for someone with blonde or red hair. 

What to expect: you will need multiple sessions (typically 6-12) six to eight weeks apart. After the service you may experience a slight sun burned feeling that dissipates within a short time.



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